Urban Revitalization

In contrast to master planning, urban revitalization focuses on improving areas that are in a state of decline. The exact definition of declining area will differ from city to city -for example, areas that have a troubling number of failing businesses or a stagnant or decreasing population growth. The improvement tactics city leaders use for revitalization will depend on the root cause of decline, and may include things like repairing roads, developing infrastructure, cleaning up pollution, and adding to parks and other public spaces, etc. 

The reason MKB started to give advisory for urban planning to the mayor of Herford, NRW/ Germany was that the city had been losing its inhabitants; the new generation had been moving out for university, and not coming back. The municipality made an agreement with -arguably- the most well-known and successful museum architect of all times, Canadian Frank O. Gehry, to develop a museum in Herford. This was how Marta projects was born. (https://marta-herford.de). The strategical decision was made for the city was to invest and develop in the culture. 

Community interaction is especially important with this urban planning concept, as local residents and business owners often have insights that can help inform and tailor planning efforts. You may need to change land use from industrial to residential to get the exclusive loft apartments or involve environmental planning to assess or clean up certain locations.

Being able to see the BIG-PICTURE is the most critical requirement for the decision makers of the cities. 

MBK Design

we design and realize your dreams by prioritizing to observe your vision and character; then create an original, innovative, lucrative, glamorous, timeless concept...