Environmental Planning

In the age of global warming, environmental planning is actually the most important action that each and every industrial country politicians and bureaucrats should take as a priority. However, briefings to express love of nature is certainly is not enough; environmental planning is a type of strategic development that emphasizes sustainability. Considerations for this type of urban planning include air pollution, noise pollution, wetlands, habitats of endangered species, flood zone susceptibility, and coastal zone erosion, along with a host of other environmental factors dealing with the relationship between natural and human systems. Environmental plans need to be filed alongside master, revitalization, and infrastructure plans.

MKB has always been highly concerned about the environment and the nature; how humankind is treating to this planet and how it is responding/ reacting. In consequence of these concerns, MKB was in the founder team of EARTHQUAKE EARLY WARNING & SECURITY AUTOMATION SYSTEM (https://www.secty-electronics.de). This invention has been developed, at first to sense the primary wave of the earthquake -which reaches the earth surface faster than the secondary and hitting wave-; subsequently to start automatically the security system. 

Approximately 20,000 people are killed every year by earthquakes (2022). About 62 % of the world's population lives in countries with a significant seismic hazard, or risk of earthquakes. In Japan, Indonesia, Philippines, China, Nepal, USA, Mexico, Peru, Chile, Haiti, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, India, Greece and Italy, BILLIONS of people are living in earthquake risk. 

The earthquake that struck Chile on 22 May 1960, left around 2 million people homeless. 

Since 1990, over 550,000 lives have been lost to China earthquakes.

Against all odds, the local governments and municipalities keep on giving construction permits right on the seismic zones… 

MKB cannot change neither the corrupt political system, nor the characters of corrupt authorities; but as a humanistic urban planner, being able to warn the inhabitants and provide automated security for the public was the best possible action to take…

MBK Design

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